This programme was implemented with an objective of enhancing the level of interface of Science and Technology with Judicial processes by undertaking innovative technology projects with Judiciary, investigating agencies, forensic laboratories and S&T organizations. Few of the technologies demonstrated are:
- Brain electrical activation profiling for differentiating and identifying perpetrator of a crime.
- Digital Pen & Paper Technology for Police Station for capturing the information created through Integrated Investigation Forms (IIFs) and transmitting to supervisory officers and retrieval of this information based on keywords.
- Interactive Virtual Reality Simulator Software to train Investigative Officers (IOs) on various crime scenes (8 modules) with a proficiency testing module to evaluate training imparted to them.
- A prototype for tamperproof and secure video recording of the court proceedings with a capacity for a multipoint videoconferencing for live trial between Court, Police station, Jail, Forensic Science Laboratory.
- Court case documents tracking facility using RFID technology.
- Tamperproof and supervised collection of physical clues of crimes- A satellite link based remote guidance (by experts at forensic lab) for investigating officer to process the crime scene and maintaining the custody of exhibits.
- Crime Scene Recording System- A portable, biometric enabled computing device for storing authenticated and encrypted data of crime scene details with auto upload of data to the server.
- Selection of a Panel of SNP Markers of Forensic Analysis in Indian Population: Suitable SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) markers in Indian population which would offer rapid, accurate, high resolution genotyping.
- e-Courtroom: India’s first district level paperless e-Court with a combination of e-Digital Recording and Retrieval System (e-DRRS) and e- Document cum Evidence Management System (e-DEMS). This involves video recording of a courtroom proceeding and digitization of the documents and physical evidences produced in the court. E-Courtrooms provided with Video conferencing facility between hospitals and police stations, forensic lab, for the court to conduct live trial.